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Treating Oily Skin How

Skin is one of the sensitive sense organs of human body. It is so sensitive that often it get prey to certain disorders. Of all the disorders the most frustrating and embarrassing one is the oily skin. Oily skin is caused due to over secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands of skin. It is caused by many reasons. Sometimes it is a hereditary disorder and sometimes it is caused due to hormonal activity inside the body. It happens more often in teenagers but due to changing climate and environmental factors it occur even in adults. With growing age and sexuality body produces certain hormones which increase the secretion of sebaceous glands thereby causing oily skin. To some it is a matter of deep frustration as it hampers their look or appearance. Some take it so seriously that they wash the skin repeatedly thereby causing skin dehydration which further aggravates the problem more and more. As now the skin itself will produce oil to compensate for the loss caused due to dryness. Skin of a person varies from one another. Some possess oily skin while some possess dry.

There are several causes leading to oily skin. Some are predominant while some are caused by the person itself. Of the predominant causes the heredity and hormonal activity are popular and most prevalent. For subject of such cases there is no other option but to follow simple avoidable measures. Later case happens more often during pregnancy when certain sex hormones are released which further disturbs the hormonal balance and thereby causing oily skin results. But the most popular and daily found cause is the diet plan. Today it has become a trend to stop near a restaurant and take a bite on a pizza or something else. But the fact is that all are junk foods and causes increase in fat in the body and thereby causes the skin to appear oily. Thus it is advisory to cut in such food habits from day to day diet plan and rather concentrate more on naturally available food items like fruits and vegetables. These food items help to check in the oily skin issue and also keep the body of the subject fit and fine. Other causes include environmental factors.

the industrial revolution several industries have emerged all over the world which ultimately has increased pollution level in the environment and also responsible for destruction of natural pollution free life. Pollution is also a cause for oily skin. Again hot and humid weather causes excess sweating and along with it increases secretion of oil in the skin. One of the very prevailing factors of oily skin is exposure to stress in life. Stress arises from failures and unattainment of goals and targets. Thus to avoid unnecessary stress one must practice certain stress relieving exercises as it will not only in reducing oil levels from the skin but also keeps body fit and fine.

To getting rid of oily skin for good, use of certain low quality oil-based cosmetic products increases oil production in the skin. To avoid it one can try to use astringent lotion and creams to keep the skin dry. But all these give temporary results and hence should be repeated at least twice a day. Oily skin can also be treated naturally by keep the skin all the time by washing at least twice a day with warm water and by staying a stress free life as much as possible.

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