You run, you do cycling, you go to gym, you play soccer but still that 1 inch of your waist is still available to be pinched. Inspite of eating healthy, keeping yourself away from all fat foods, you still have love handles? Then the reason is not your focus or weight training it’s something else. It’s your body! Yes your body!

The reason for you fat is you liver. You never thought about taking care of your live and guess what now it’s running you away from achieving your desired goal. If your liver is healthy and strong, it would pave way for the rest of your body to stay healthy and strong. For that you have to take care of your liver. You liver is a multitasker which will slowly deplete it’s working ability if you won’t take care of it. Liver is basically a filter that removes toxins from your body and ammonia from your blood stream. Liver actually aids in digestion by producing bile that is helpful in breaking down fat and helps to retain good fat , vitamins and minerals. Not just this, but it helps to stabilize the blood glucose level, blood pressure, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, blood cholesterol, immunity and much more. It has been observed a lot of time that people are getting too much difficulties in their life. This is because they do not want to get do the difficulties in their life. There are a lot of thing  that will help you a lot in getting the best in your life.  These are the simplest ways to boost testosterone

And guess what! You never paid attention to your liver!

Now it’s time for your liver to get fix and you help it get back to normal. When your liver overworks, much of the toxins residues start building up that causes serious form of inflammation which directly leads to obesity. If your live is working too much it would stress out and eventually start building up fat, and the first part that would come under the influence of it would be your belly. Resulting in obesity, no matter how much you work out, restrict your calories, your weight loss would nearly be impossible.

Check yourself for some of the symptoms before you get into hasty cleanse. Some of the symptoms are high cholesterol, high blood sugar, insulin imbalance, hormonal imbalance, low energy, cravings, excessive thirst, excessive urination, acne etc. then you should definitely need to consult your doctor.

Once you have consulted your doctor now it’s to make changes to your lifestyle.

  1. Stop smoking immediately
  2. Don’t use medications unnecessarily or for small illnesses, as body has its own fighting mechanism against any infection. Unnecessary medication has drastic effects on the live.
  3. Immediately stop your intake of alcohol
  4. start loving yourself by eating and drinking clean. Say bye to carbonated drinks and drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated. High-fructose food and drinks are highly prohibited. All of the preservatives, hormones etc. have to go through intense work that your liver has to do in order to filter them.
  5. Vegetables are very good for your liver. Eat fresh healthy green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower etc.
  6. Avoid the use of salt, that strongly contributes to fluid retention and stress out liver, however try to flavor your food with rosemary, garlic, chicory etc.
  7. Exercise is universal medication for all illnesses, diseases etc. you should regularly exercise. Make a plan which clearly binds you to exercise for half an hour or 1 hour daily and make it mandatory.

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