Island Now brings a list of common misconceptions about psychotherapy or counseling. Yes, mental health advocacy has gained a lot of fruitful results these past years. However, many people still believe in some wrong notions about psychotherapy. As a result, many haven’t completely enjoyed the perks that therapies can bring because of such false ideas. 

That’s why you should know about these myths and understand the truths behind them.

Island Now Busting Common Myths about Psychotherapy

  1. Therapists Merely Give Common Advice

Many people think that undergoing therapy is just a waste of time and cash because of such a wrong idea. They think that therapists merely give usual advice that people can get from friends. The truth is, therapists consider a lot of factors for each counseling session. A random person cannot easily spot or handle such factors because they lack the necessary skills.

  1. Therapies are Impractical

Some people think that therapies are too expensive and take a long time to complete. Yes, that could be the case in your location. However, counseling services are now more affordable than before. Not to mention that some insurance policies cover psychotherapies too.

Moreover, the number of sessions you need depends on your case. Some clients are great for just a few therapy sessions, while others need more. But regardless of how many sessions you need, it is practical enough when talking about your wellbeing.

  1. Therapy is for Weak People

There is a common idea that only weak people seek psychotherapy. That if you’re well enough, you don’t need to see a therapist. The truth is, counseling helps well-functioning and successful individuals too. For example, some business leaders also see therapists help them cope up with company stressors.

  1. Therapists Only Put the Blame on Your Childhood or Parents

Many therapists consider factors from the childhood or parents of a client when conducting a counseling session. That is because of the classic Freudian Psychotherapy technique. 

However, note that therapists only use such an approach when it applies. As mentioned, therapists consider a lot of factors depending on each case. If childhood and parent factors don’t apply, then a therapist won’t dwell on them. 

  1. Therapy Turns You into a Different Person

Some people also fear that therapists would pull some strings to completely change the client. They fear that they’d become a completely different person after the therapy.

Therepies don’t do that to clients. What therapists do is improve a person depending on their individuality. The therapies merely help the clients to deal with nasty personal issues. 

These misconceptions about therapies are common among people today. That’s why it is great for you to learn the truth behind them, so you can get the most out of each session when you undergo therapies. After all, you don’t need to worry about making wrong expectations because of such false notions after knowing the truth.

The next thing you should do is find a reliable psychotherapy or counseling service to get. You can choose face-to-face or online therapy depending on your needs. Check Island Now for more info.

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