Getting a six pack, or a flatter abdomen, is the ultimate goal of most fitness enthusiasts. Unfortunately, many of these individuals often fail to achieve their goal because of one simple reason: they have poor workout routines. There are three simple lower abs workouts that are sure to get your abdomen ripped.

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Lower Abs Workouts

  1. Sit Ups

This is one of the most effective workouts for the abdomen. The best thing about it is that your workouts can be done almost anywhere. It can be at the park, in your back yard or inside the house. All you need is a mat or carpet to cushion your back as you do the exercise. To ensure that you get quick results, consider doing at least three sets of 10-15 situps each. As your body gets used to the exercise, you may want to increase the number of reps and sets.

  1. Burpees

There are many variations of this exercise. However, the most popular version is a combination of push ups and star jumps. The starting position is that of a pushup, facing down with a straight back and hands spread shoulder wide. Next, you fold your legs by moving them towards your hands in one swift move (now you are in the starting position of a star jump). Next, jump into the air and spread both your hands and legs before landing. Repeat the same procedure at least ten times. If this sounds complicated, you may need to watch a demonstration video first.

  1. Leg Ups

This is a simple exercise that is a little bit similar to situps. You lie down on your back and raise both of your legs to a 90 degree angle then let it back down to the ground slowly. Repeat the same procedure ten times, rest for 60 seconds then do another set. Three sets are enough in the early stages of the fitness program.

It is important to note that most exercises help to build abs, but these three are the most effective. If you want to get instant results, consider buying a roller, but be sure to follow the safety precautions.

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