About what nutrients should be provided as a priority after the weight training circulates a lot of conflicting information. As you might guess, a considerable part of them is simply untrue. It is worth systematizing the knowledge of the best testosterone pills for men is important for nutritional strategies that promote rapid regeneration after training to maximize the cost-effective advantage of favorable circumstances and optimize physiological regeneration processes. This time we consider the fact that it is preferable to adopt the finite effort – protein or carbohydrates?

Ads stories his gym and pseudo-scientific arguments

Let’s face it, few people actually have the time and inclination to it, to information on how to eat and what supplements or conditioners used in scientific publications looking for. Most often the source of this type of knowledge is the expression ” experienced colleagues “, forum posts, and – develop marketing and advertising slogans. Unfortunately, reliance on this type of source does not quite guarantee that the data collected have anything to do with reality. An excellent example used here can just issue constituting the substance of this article, namely the issue of post-training strategies to promote regeneration after training.

On the one hand, we meet with the theories of speaking that, after exercise is crucial to adopt a portion of carbohydrates in order to renew energy reserves, to be exact – of muscle glycogen, on the other hand, appear stating that a portion of the sugars consumed after exercise will inhibit the response from the growth hormone anabolic impeding de facto regeneration. Both supporters and one other concept have to justify their beliefs many arguments. Unfortunately, the problem is that sometimes these arguments are strong only in appearance … So let us examine the subject in-depth and answer the question in the title of this paper.

Strength training and the issue of glycogen

The first question that comes to mind in relation to this problem is whether strength training leads to a drastic loss of muscle glycogen? Well, the answer is – probably not. Of course, much depends here on the course of exercise sessions and intensifying techniques introduced, which can significantly aggravate the loss of energy reserves. Generally, however, the average weight training session does not exhaust the muscle glycogen is depleted and only him. 

The most important, however, is not how much glycogen reserves during training will be depleted, and this – is there a need for their immediate refilling and if this issue is just an absolute priority in relation to post-workout recovery. The facts are that the test results show that the time in which complement the lost glycogen muscle is important only if you are planning another effort over the next few hours.

So if after the morning session at the gym, on the same day in the evening planned training martial arts, then you should start to bother glycogen. In a situation in which we are planning to do another workout for 24 or 48 hours issue is of secondary or even tertiary importance. Are we carbohydrates are simply unnecessary in the post-training? The answer is – no! Proper intake brings significant benefits, especially help elicit a response of insulin – a hormone that increases the transport of amino acids and glucose to the muscles and inhibits proteolysis, thus contributing to the improvement of net nitrogen balance.

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