Tinnitus is a condition that affects 1 in 5 people, so it is something that many are familiar with. It is not a disease in itself, but rather it is a symptom of some other underlying cause. When suffering from tinnitus, many people experience phantom sounds that seemingly are coming from inside the ear or from within the head. These sounds are often compared to those of ringing, buzzing, or whistling sounds. They can be so quiet that they can barely be heard and sound like they are coming from far away. Other times, the sounds can be so loud that they can drown out all other sounds, making it hard for the patient to hear and concentrate which makes the treatment process known as silence complete tinnitus quite essential. 

When someone is suffering from tinnitus, there are several things that they should avoid in order to not aggravate their condition and make it worse than it already is. If they drink alcohol or beverages that have caffeine in them, they should cut back on them, or consider stopping altogether. If the patient smokes, they need to stop immediately. This also goes for chewing tobacco, as nicotine will cause the condition to worsen since it reduces the blood flow to parts of the ear. Another thing that should be avoided or cut back on when suffering from tinnitus is the use of aspirin or products that contain aspirin. This goes for products like ibuprofen and naproxen too, any kind of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs).

One thing a person who is suffering from tinnitus should do is an exercise often, as this will help improve the blood flow to the inner workings of the ear. What should be avoided, however, is exercising too much, or for long extended periods of time, like riding a bike, or anything that causes your head to remain in a hyperextended position for long amounts of time.

While dealing with tinnitus, or waiting for it to go away, there are some things that can be done in order to help cope with the noises being heard. A patient should limit the number of loud noises they are exposed to. If this cannot be avoided completely, then protective earplugs or earmuffs should be worn. Drawing attention away from the noise and focusing on something else might help also. Being stressed out and fatigued can make the effects of tinnitus worse, so relaxation techniques, like yoga, can help lessen the noise. Also, try and avoid totally quiet rooms, as the noises caused by tinnitus will be much louder in quiet areas.

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