The choice to grow marijuana in a person’s garden, bathtub, or fish tank is clearly a violation of Texas Law, and if caught the person will have to deal with at least one criminal case if not many. As I have discussed in previous posts, a person can be charged with “delivery of marijuana ” in Austin, Texas, if the person shares his or her marijuana with a friend.I have compiled a list of reasons that the various people have shared with me as to why they choose to grow their own marijuana with full knowledge that they could faces multiple criminal charges if caught.1. Person A told me that he did not want to give money to the drug cartels in Mexico.

Per the Mexican government as many as 35,000 people have been killed in drug war-related violence in Mexico since 2006, according to government figures. Some non-government reports say more than 40,000 have died. Person A, found indirectly providing money to the drug cartels via his personal marijuana consumption to be unacceptable and violated his morals. The thought that one gun could be purchased using his money was impossible for him to fathom. “I can’t have one death on my conscious.” He instead chooses to grow one plant in his garden next to several tomato plants, and I think some spinach, or something. According to the National Survey on Drug use, the number of marijuana users has risen from 14.4 million in 2007 to 17.4 million in 2010. It is undeniable that the Mexican drug war is being fueled by American’s consumption of Marijuana. To person A the risks to his freedom were far outweighed the alternative of fueling the Mexican Drug war. His moral reasoning likely will not benefit him if he is caught.2.

Person B had a girlfriend who “purchased marijuana from a drug dealer that was laced with some sort of serious chemical.” Person B received a phone call from his now ex-girlfriend a few years ago. She had purchased a joint from a person at club on Sixth Street in Downtown Austin. After smoking the joint at her apartment, “her body and mind were severely jacked up!” She was not a regular marijuana user, and has never touched it since. The purchase of Marijuana is extremely dangerous. There is no federal regulatory agency making sure that the supplier hasn’t tampered with the product, laced it with rat poison or any number of dangerous substances. Person B did not get into the where or how he chooses to grow the marijuana only that he has a plant or two at his house. Person B was aware that, if caught, he faced criminal charges, but was unwilling to stop smoking marijuana. According to Person B, Marijuana is the only substance that helps him with his anxiety problems. He does not like the side effects that common anxiety medications do to him. (I have not conducted any research what so ever into whether marijuana actually has any effect on anxiety related issues and this post is not intended to promote marijuana as a treatment for anxiety.

If you suffer from panic disorder, anxiety, depression or any other related medical problems you should consult a medical professional.)3. Person C said that he was rebelling against authority. He stated he is aware of the consequences of his actions and does not believe marijuana consumption is as harmful as alcohol consumption. He is so firm in his belief that the government should legalize marijuana that he looked forward to communicating his feelings to any judge or prosecutor he may face in court if he is caught. He stated that he grows 1 plant in an old fish tank in his house. That he does not share it nor does he belong to any advocacy groups. He feels the reason that marijuana has not been legalized is that the groups that support legalization of marijuana stand to lose a lot of money if marijuana were legalized.Although all of the above people claimed to understand the full ramifications of their actions, I found that most of them misunderstood the legal consequences of their actions.

I have discussed a few of the legal consequences of growing your own marijuana in previous posts and will address this issue again in the future. If you have read my blog you understand that it is educational in nature and I do not interject my personal opinion. I do want people to understand they could face serious legal consequences for possession, manufacture, or delivery of Marijuana. I have found that news coverage of this issue has confused many of the general public. As I have stated before, many intelligent people are under the misconception that a small amount of pot is legal to possess, share with their friends or grow. You can collect all the necessary information about the products from the 3Chi Delta 8 Review at the online site. The intelligent people are taking the right decision with the services. You need to check the right reviews to have the desired product available at home. It provides the best experience. 

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