Drug Test Health and Fitness

How To Pass A Urine Drug Test

The drug urine test with all the drug testing supplies is considered to be the most common method of testing the presence of drugs in the organism. In order to find ways in which we can beat this test, we must understand how exactly this works and how do different drugs react in our body, simply put, we have to discover its weaknesses. Another thing you should keep in mind is that your body doesn’t have the same reactions as your friend’s body; it all depends on factors such as age, body mass, activity level, metabolism, etc.

Today, there are 4 main methods of attempting to beat a urine drug test, but each of them comes with different characteristics and specifications, and if, for some reason, you decide to skip a step or two, the final results may not be as expected. Let’s take marijuana as a reference drug for explaining these next 4 methods, even though these are equally valuable for all types of drugs:

A natural method

In case you are aware of the fact that you may be subjected to a urine drug test in the near future, the main recommendation is to stop smoking marijuana at least until you pass the test. An important factor that determines how long marijuana (or any other drug) can be detected, is the frequency of use. It’s one thing to smoke once in a while, and a completely different thing to smoke a few times a day. Here are a few

Examples that will help clarify this entire situation:

An average weight person will require 1-3 days to eliminate the drug from his system, in case he is a rare smoker. If he smokes daily, he will require 5-10 days, and if he is a chronic smoker, he will need between 15-20 days.

A heavier person will require a few extra days for elimination, but in the case of the chronic smoker, it may go up to 1-2 months.

While following this natural method, you need to stay hydrated at all times, but not by drinking coffee, sodas, or any other type of alcoholic drinks, as they will have exactly the opposite effect. Drink water, fresh juices, and even tea, as it will help you eliminate the harmful metabolites.


Dilution is an effective process that will allow you the beat the urine drug test. All you need to do is drink a lot of water so you can dilute your urine in order to pass the test. Keep in mind that this is no exact science, and the amount of water you need to drink varies according to your organism. Drinking too much water may lead to the appearance of Water Poisoning, which will harm your body. In general, 8-9 glasses of water are recommended on the morning of your test, but you should also check the color of your urine. In the hours before the test, maintain a constant quantity of drinking water, and stop when you enter the testing room.

It is important to remember that you shouldn’t start drinking lots of water a few days in advance, as it will not help you at all; you will eliminate the diluted water before giving the test. Also, if your urine is too diluted, it will raise suspicions, and then your urine will be tested and the results will demonstrate that has been diluted. In order to prevent this from happening, the recommendation is to take vitamin B2 or B12 in the morning before the test, as they will modify the color of your urine so it looks normal. You can also eat red meat as it is full of creatine, which gives the urine its normal color.

Detoxification drinks

These types of drinks are a bit unknown to the public, mainly because not that much publicity is done, but the reality is that they do function. When you decide to buy such drinks, it is important to check out a few things, including the producer that is willing to offer the highest money-back guarantee in case something goes wrong, reviews from friends or family members that have used such beverages, and most important of all, what is the approximate time table for that specific drink to take effect, thus you can prepare for the urine drug test. Like any other product, you also need to take some things into consideration so they can function in a positive manner. Having this in mind, being a heavy smoker or having weight problems, might negatively influence your result.

Synthetic / Substitution products

This final method that will help you pass a urine drug test involves the use of a small container full of a synthetic substance that you will have to empty in the test cup, instead of your contaminated urine. While there are people that prefer to trust a friend and ask him to offer a sample of clear urine so they can substitute their urine with it, other people decide to be more on the safe side and purchase a synthetic product that will offer great results. These products come in different forms, including powder, or liquid, but believe it or not, there are manufacturers that have even considered creating fake penises to go with these products, just in case someone will watch you while you take a urine drug test.

The main thing that will help you pass a urine drug test is understanding what you have to do in case you will be faced with this nasty situation. It is important to know how long each method takes to help you clean your urine, and which of them perfectly fits your needs. To find out the results of each of these methods, you can simply buy some dipstick tests online, and write down the results. Having a clear idea about how things work, will help you reduce a lot of stress that will appear when you will have to take the urine drug test and everything will go much smoother.

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