Body building

Picking The Right Protein Supplement For Bodybuilding

If you are considering taking supplements to enhance your bodybuilding goals, the first step is to select the appropriate protein supplement and do thorough research on Protein is the single most important supplement since proteins are the actual building blocks of muscle. Without getting the proper amount of protein, no other supplements or exercises are going to help you build muscle.

The larger you are, the more protein you are going to need on a given day. The formula for grams of protein needed in a day is typically your body weight in pounds times 1.5. So, if you weigh 100 pounds and you are trying to gain muscle, you should have at least 150 grams of protein. If you are 200 pounds, you should be consuming 300 grams of protein every day to support your muscle growth.

You can’t just roll out of bed and pound 10 protein shakes though. Most of that protein won’t be absorbed. You need to diversify your protein sources and give yourself a constant stream of protein throughout the day and night. You can do this by eating several (5-6) high-protein meals throughout the day and supplementing with protein shakes.

Not all protein supplements are created equal. The main difference is the absorption rates that different protein sources have. The absorption rate is important because sometimes you want a quickly absorbed protein, and other times, you want a much slower absorbing protein. Immediately after your workout, your body needs protein, so fast-absorbing protein is best at this time.

The most popular fast-absorbing protein is Whey Protein. At night, you are going to want protein that absorbs much more slowly since you typically don’t eat throughout the night. A casein protein is most appropriate for this use. Casein protein is usually a little more expensive but is key for staying anabolic throughout the night.

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Body building Guide Health and Fitness

Muscle Without Eating Meat Mens Fitness Articles

Every lifter knows that he needs protein to build muscle, and meat and other animal-derived foods are great sources, containing all the essential amino acids that the body needs. That’s why bodybuilding gurus and trainers have advised us for years to eat copious amounts of meat to gain muscle and strength, offering few alternatives for the vegetarian.

The truth is, you don’t absolutely need meat to build muscle. Whether you’re a vegetarian (no meat), vegan (no animal products), or just a regular guy who’s concerned about animal rights or has grown weary of swallowing meat at every meal, we have a plan to bulk you up without beef, chicken, eggs, or any other animal product. You’ll make gains just as quickly as you would on a meat-rich eating plan and may even stay leaner and healthier while you do it.

The perceived problem with a vegan diet is that it lacks quality protein sources. Beans and nuts, both protein staples for vegans, do not contain all nine essential amino acids. Rather, most are missing one or more of the needed muscle-building nutrients. Nevertheless, you should always count them in your daily protein intake (which should be between 0.6 and 0.8 grams per pound of body weight each day) if you’re trying to gain muscle. Numerous studies have shown that when coupled with training, diets based on plant proteins can yield the same results in both muscle growth and fat loss as their animal counterparts.

Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, you can take your diet a step further by combining plant proteins in the same meal as often as possible to ensure that you get all the necessary aminos in one shot. This isn’t difficult to do: Many foods that go together anyway will provide the full spectrum of amino acids when eaten concurrently. A good rule of thumb to follow is to eat grains with beans. Eating brown rice with green beans, for example, will provide complete protein. See “Killer Combinations” (below, bottom) for a list of foods that go together to form complete protein meals and follow “The No-Meat Menu” (below), where some proper combinations have already been arranged for you.

One of the great benefits in following a vegan diet is that you don’t have to worry about eating excessive amounts of saturated fat as you do when chowing down on animal products. Instead, by focusing on healthy, unsaturated fats–mainly nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils–you can support the production of muscle-building hormones and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels at the same time. These good fats will also help you take in the necessary calories you need to build muscle.

But how does a vegan diet taste? Even a die-hard meat-and-potatoes guy can make the switch to veganism without too much adjustment. You can eat plenty of fresh fruits, nuts, and grains, and with some spices, make even seemingly bland meals taste delicious. The menu plan we outline here is designed to help you make the transition slowly and takes into account a hectic schedule. Vegan supplements have also been included for your convenience.

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Try it today they ate safe, healthy and reliable. These help you to gain muscle and loose the fat that adds to the extra bad weight. Choose smart choose healthy and workout hard.

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Body building

The Best Lower Abs Workouts – What are the workouts?

Getting a six pack, or a flatter abdomen, is the ultimate goal of most fitness enthusiasts. Unfortunately, many of these individuals often fail to achieve their goal because of one simple reason: they have poor workout routines. There are three simple lower abs workouts that are sure to get your abdomen ripped.

In order to get the best and immediate Testogen results, there is a need to include them in the daily routine. It will allow you to have the best health. The reduction of the weight is possible for the individuals with the consumption in the supplement. You can know about it to have the best experience.

Lower Abs Workouts

  1. Sit Ups

This is one of the most effective workouts for the abdomen. The best thing about it is that your workouts can be done almost anywhere. It can be at the park, in your back yard or inside the house. All you need is a mat or carpet to cushion your back as you do the exercise. To ensure that you get quick results, consider doing at least three sets of 10-15 situps each. As your body gets used to the exercise, you may want to increase the number of reps and sets.

  1. Burpees

There are many variations of this exercise. However, the most popular version is a combination of push ups and star jumps. The starting position is that of a pushup, facing down with a straight back and hands spread shoulder wide. Next, you fold your legs by moving them towards your hands in one swift move (now you are in the starting position of a star jump). Next, jump into the air and spread both your hands and legs before landing. Repeat the same procedure at least ten times. If this sounds complicated, you may need to watch a demonstration video first.

  1. Leg Ups

This is a simple exercise that is a little bit similar to situps. You lie down on your back and raise both of your legs to a 90 degree angle then let it back down to the ground slowly. Repeat the same procedure ten times, rest for 60 seconds then do another set. Three sets are enough in the early stages of the fitness program.

It is important to note that most exercises help to build abs, but these three are the most effective. If you want to get instant results, consider buying a roller, but be sure to follow the safety precautions.

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Body building

Three Weight Loss Myths Busted

Because of the growing number of people trying to lose weight, it is not a surprise that there have been a lot of different tips and suggestions now being published in health and fitness magazines, and over the Internet. While many of these tips and suggestions have indeed helped many people lose all the extra weight and gain the body that you desire, such as those that promote having a well-balanced diet and a regular exercise workout regimen, there are some that have been considered as weight loss myths and should be avoided. Many of these weight loss myths are able to provide short term results. However, in the long run, people who do these weight loss myths gain back the weight they loss, bringing them back to where they started. Here are just three of the most popular weight loss myths exposed.

Myth #1: You can target problem areas in your body through spot fat reduction

Men and women have different body make ups, and as a result, tend to store fat in certain parts of the body more easily. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no way that you can force your body to reduce body fat in only one part of your body, regardless of the claims provided by fitness magazines and online website articles. In reality, what happens is that instead of the body fat being reduced, it is the muscle mass that actually decreases in these problem spots, giving the illusion that it does actually work.

Myth #2: The only way that you can lose excess body fat is through aerobic exercises

Although there is no doubt that doing aerobic exercises can help you increase your metabolism and help you reduce and lose unwanted body fat, there are a number of different other exercise programs that would also help you lose weight by eliminating excess body fat. Body building and weight lifting are just some alternative exercise programs which you could do to lose unwanted body fat and lose weight. Body building and weight lifting focus on increasing your body’s muscle mass by promoting the growth of muscle tissue. And because muscle tends to burn energy more easily, an increase in muscle mass helps boost your body’s metabolism, helping you burn off excess fat by converting this to energy, and allowing you to lose weight and get that slim figure that you have always wanted.

Myth #3: Cut down on your food intake and you cut down those extra pounds

This is perhaps the most popular – and the riskiest – of the weight loss myths, especially when it comes to your health and overall well-being. Many articles have claimed that by cutting back on your food intake, your body has no choice but to revert to the stored body fat in your body to compensate for the difference, resulting in the burning of excess body fat and eventual weight loss. Crash diets can lead to the slowing down of the body’s metabolism rate, which is responsible for converting the food that you take in into energy that can be used by the body. As a result, instead of being able to burn off fat, your body actually tends to store more fat because its metabolism is no longer working at optimum levels.

Instead, your body needs a complete combination of diet and exercise to hit the target effectively. Hormonal balance also plays a major role in maintaining the metabolism and balance the body’s functioning. Research has proven the supplements that boost testosterone are effective in promoting weight loss, boosting performance results. 

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Body building Guide

How To Become A Successful Personal Trainer

You will come across a thousand personal trainer tips on the internet, but taking them into action them is something else all together. Personal training is simply more than just making someone go through some serious workout. Personal training is majorly all about being someone’s friend, mentor and motivator. You will need to be positive in all you do and these will definitely build you a super strong clientele.

From the site, you will get the benefits of the weight loss supplements. All the results are positive for the individuals. There is a need to pay attention at the personal training to offer the best results. The performance of the workout is the best one for the people. 

The following tips will help you through your career:

Build your network –

Your work will mainly be what you know best. If you want success to follow you, ten you got to try and build a very strong network. Try to focus on social life as you do your business, this is important because the two work hand in hand. It will be a great opportunity that will prove to create important networking opportunities. Meet new people, participate in building your community, and you will have a very good network that will work good for you. It is good to make people know that you are someone who can be approached easily, and this way you will have many of them as clients.

Do not promise much, but deliver much –

When you get a client, do not go letting out a thousand promises that will not work at all. Many trainers will give new clients a lot of promises only to end up disappointing them at the end. Treat the client as if you are serving him for the first time. Ensure you deliver much rather than making empty promises, this way you will keep clients closer to yourself, hence building a good relationship.

Building relationships –

Be a professional when it comes to this tip. You have to have your clients becoming you friends rather than just mere clients. Every time you have them with you, make them feel as comfortable as possible. Try to learn about their lives, ask about their families, and work among many other important things. As this goes on, remember to exercise understanding, this is a very strong quality that will draw more clients to you. As you get on with building good relationships, remember not to forget that you are their personal trainer, let them keep working out.

You need to differentiate yourself –

You must try to find out what your strengths are as a trainer. This will help you to your advantage, only if you ensure that you have used them. This tip is very important as it will lead to your success in this career. You do not have to get into something you do not understand in the first place.

Keep evolving –

As a personal trainer you must always remember that learning will get you to the right place. You need to keep on learning, to be an example to your clients. Remember that they look up to you, and if you don’t look like it, you will lose a lot of them. Educate yourself; this will take you to the right place on your career.

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